
The chemo treatments haven’t killed my cancer but they aren’t killing me either. So, we’re kind of at a stalemate for now.

We met with my oncologist today and he says I’m doing great, the results of my CT scan last week show the disease is in good control. Essentially the same situation as three months ago, the cancer hasn’t spread so call it very good news.  We will continue with chemo treatments though, I had cycle 12 today.

Doc suggested that we might be able to switch to an orally administered version of chemo instead of the bi-weekly intravenous routine I’m on now.   It could potentially simplify our lives as we wouldn’t have to go to the clinic for treatments.  However, there are new potential side effects to consider.  Also, strange as it might seem, in going to chemo and dealing with the infusion pump, etc. it gives me a sense that I’m doing something to fight this demon.  I’m not sure swallowing a few pills would feel the same and I’d miss the angels disguised as chemo nurses that care for me. Going to have to cogitate on this decision for a while.

I shared some Cycle Oregon pictures with my oncologist and case manager, they were happy I was able to enjoy the ride.  I’ve tried to get doctor to give me some sense of life expectancy based on his experience but understandably, he really can’t.  He does tell me I’m strong, in good health (other than stage 4 cancer) and I’ll very likely outlast the statistical prognosis.  Given how well I feel and that it’s been seven months so far, I interpret that to mean I have a year or more yet and who knows what new developments might be available in that time.  I’m still praying and expecting to be an outlier.  Doc even said who knows, maybe I’ll ride Cycle Oregon 30.  Challenge accepted  🙂

Thanks for dropping by, I really appreciate the continued prayers and support expressed by y’all.

