Pissin in the wind …

Pissin’ in the wind, bettin’ on a losing friend, Makin’ the same mistakes, we swore we’d never make again — while I’ve always enjoyed Jerry Jeff’s anthem to futility, it could have been my theme song for the past couple of weeks.

When we last left our protagonist he was having some mild urinary discomfort and his oncology doc had referred him to a urologist.  An appointment was set, but the issue advanced from discomfort to red hot lava-like pain; waiting for this appointment wasn’t an option.

I’m a happy Kaiser patient but sometimes you have to work the system.  So began a litany of phone conversations with appointment schedulers, oncology and urology advice nurses, multiple urinalysis and blood tests, a Sunday visit to the urgent care clinic, a rush appointment with my general practitioner and multiple proctology exams.  I was finally able to get a stat referral to my urologist two weeks earlier than originally scheduled.

Wednesday I had chemo, then Thursday morning I experienced an exam called a cystourethroscopy, a spelunking about in my bladder with a fiber optic scope through my … well men, there’s only one path from the outside world into your bladder.  About as uncomfortable as you might imagine.

The urologist saw some growth in my bladder that doesn’t belong there so I’m scheduled for a similar but more involved exam in a few weeks where he will do a biopsy and “scrape” my bladder?  Thankfully, I get anesthetized for that one.   Both my oncologist and urologist have said it’s rare for the cancer I have to migrate to the bladder, it’s probably a side effect of the chemo and not to worry.  Yeah, right.

Though multiple tests failed to detect a UTI, doc prescribed an antibiotic just in case.  I took it for a day and a half before having to kneel before the porcelain throne like an overindulgent frat boy.  Ironic that in 19 cycles of chemotherapy this was the first and only time I’ve been sick.

I recovered quickly on Friday once I stopped taking it (a sulfa based drug, they make Judy sick too) and was able to attend my 32nd annual St. Matthew Men’s Retreat at the coast.  Had a great weekend with Peder and some of my best friends and miracle of miracles, most of the pain is gone.  Maybe doc was on to something after all.  Yesterday I was prescribed a different antibiotic and so far, so good.  I have ultrasound and pre-op appointments this week prior to the nasty exam February 15th.

For a guy accustomed to seeing his doctor once every five years, all these appointments, prescriptions and procedures are beginning to take their toll.  Seems I’m visiting some medical facility about as often as work or church now.  Living with cancer, the fight goes on.

At the helm of one of Tillamook Bay Coast Guard Station’s 47′ motor lifeboats. The teams that man these piss in the wind and win.

Snow daze

Saturday I had my fourth CT scan and today we were to meet with my oncologist  to learn the results, then have my 19th chemo cycle.  Well, things didn’t go quite to plan.  We’ve been having a crazy winter and for the second time encountered significant snow on a chemo day, making it a challenge to reach the clinic.  Intrepid explorers, we employed car, train, bus and some slippery hiking only to find the clinic locked up tight.  The smart folks stayed home.

My doctor called this afternoon and we shared a virtual office visit instead. The short story is that this CT scan looks about like the previous one, and the one before that.  The cancer hasn’t spread, the tumor hasn’t grown and we thank God for the good news.  Doctor is pleased with my status and said he’ll see me again in six weeks (maybe we’ll be thawed out by then).  He did note some “thickening” of my bladder (whatever that means) and since I have some occasional discomfort when taking a leak, he will refer me to the urologist I saw back in March when all this started.

Leaving all this snow / cancer drama behind, we depart for a long weekend in Honolulu tomorrow.  Keith is running one of his ultra marathons on Oahu and he and Tracy invited us to join them.  Well, why not?  Aloha my frozen friends,  I’ll have a Mai  Tai for you.