Waiting on the promise …

Life has been pretty normal, at least as normal as it can be when living with cancer.  NPR’s Fresh Air linguist chose “normal” as the 2016 word of the year, for a year that has been anything but.  I haven’t written a post for awhile, it seemed there wasn’t much new.  But you wouldn’t necessarily know that.  There’s probably a New Year’s resolution there …

Like all of you, we’ve been busy preparing for Christmas.   I’m feeling good, still able to do what I’ve always done, albeit a little slower.  We went out and cut our tree, I put up the lights as always (though wife was adamant about spotting me on the ladder) and enjoyed three Christmas concerts.

After 10 months and 17 cycles of chemotherapy I’ve no pain, am taking no drugs, just experiencing some neuropathy in my fingers and toes.  In my last post I mentioned the possibility of taking my chemo orally.  While there were a number of factors to consider, I’ve decided “don’t mess with what’s working”, at least for now.  So we continue to go into the clinic for infusion every other Thursday.  When I met with my oncologist two weeks ago he said since I wasn’t showing any other symptoms, I’d only need to see him every six weeks instead of four. We have a CT scan scheduled in a couple of weeks, you can expect an update then.

So, on this Christmas Eve, I’m thankful to be doing well.  I didn’t know when this journey began if I’d see this Christmas.  As we celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus and the gift his life represents, I’m confident whatever my future holds it’s all going to be OK.  Thank you for the prayers, love and concern for us.

Wishing you a blessed, Merry Christmas my friends,