Another Orbit

Today is my 62nd birthday, another trip around the Sun complete.  Three months to the day since my DX (cancer speak for diagnosis).  Will I live to see 63?  No one knows.

I’ve heard someone say the reason they wanted to be married was so there would be someone to share their life story.  Judy tells me Broadway phenomenon Hamilton ends with a similar sentiment.  Judy and I have been inseparable since we were 18, after that April 10, 1973 Gordon Lightfoot concert first date.  Fully 71% of our lives spent together.  We have stories aplenty. Given my situation,  there’s been lots of reminiscing. We built a house together, raised a family, took long road trips, enjoyed family vacations, pursued two careers where we were blessed to do work we enjoyed, navigated unemployment and volunteered too much.   No Pulitzer or Nobel (though I do have a patent) but I’ve had a great life so far.  All shared with my best friend (who can tell you the REAL stories). The only real time we’ve been apart is those accumulated 25 weeks worth of Cycle Oregon.

This week we finalized our wills, the “stuff” now has a plan.
Our real legacy is three awesome kids, their perfect spouses and two grand kids, the joy of our hearts.  The world is a better place because of our three children and we did that.  Whatever else I’ve done, good or bad, will be forgotten eventually, but my story will continue to be written through them.

So where am I?  Tuesday I have my final chemo treatment in this series of 6. Then a scan to see if we are having any effect.  Anecdotal evidence suggests the chemo must be working.  The issues I had before starting treatment have disappeared and any discomfort I have is caused by the chemo itself. Doc has told me he doesn’t expect chemo can cure me, just prolong me.  I’m so hoping he is wrong, I don’t want my story to end just yet.

first bdayMy first birthday, outside the parsonage on Vashon island.

9 thoughts on “Another Orbit”

  1. Happiest of birthdays to you, Mark. Enjoy the weekend with my genius twin. Keep up the good fight because we want more trips around the sun with you! Love you much and thank you for sharing some of your personal thoughts.

  2. Happy birthday, Mark, and enjoy the weekend at the coast.

    Love what you wrote here… I read a few excerpts to daughter Emily, and her first thought was that we should plan a reunion Six Flags road trip (mostly because she didn’t get to go on previous ones, I’m sure). Not a bad idea I thought, but I’m not sure my stomach could still handle it.

  3. Mark…. 🎂 Happy Birthday dear friend! Our very best to you and Judy. 🎉We hope your weekend at the beach is memorable! Our family is at Black Butte for a long weekend and they are all onboard for a reunion trip to Six Flags…. However it would have to be with Moms onboard! Love you both deeply. May the LORD bless and keep you always. 💚 Teri and Clyde

  4. Mark, Happy Birthday to you! You amaze me! As I’m praying for you and Judy with every waking day, I catch up with your blog about every week and find more inspiring words. Funny, it just happens that Jerri and I were at that very same Gordon Lightfoot concert in ’73!!! And if my memory serves, you and Judy are celebrating your 40th wedding anniversary this summer/year as do Jerri and I in late July! So, Happy Anniversary too! Love you brother!

  5. Mark, Happy Birthday🎂. Marsha and my thoughts are always with you and Judy. I hope the strawberries and ice cream 🍨kept your white cell count up. As Mr Spock says, Live Long and Prosper. 😎

  6. Dear Mark and Judy, I have been keeping you both in prayer before the throne of grace, and my heart aches for you in this unexpected journey of life right now. Life is so unpredictable but nothing takes Papa God by surprise. So thankful that you are A Christ follower and child of the King!! No matter where the days and weeks take you, the best is yet to be, forever and a day! Sending my love to both of you!

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