Snot Fair!

Years ago while having dinner in the caboose at Pizza Caboose, one of our progeny emphatically stated “it’s not fair!”.  A woman dining in an adjacent booth chimed in “I’ve never been to a snot fair” thus minting an enduring family non sequitur.

This week at work the coffee station conversation turned to what is “fair”.  I think the brain trust concluded there is no “fair”, in health or life.

A friend at church recently lost a second wife to cancer. Snot fair. Little kids get cancer before they can read. Snot fair.  Hard working folks at Intel are laid off because the market changed. Snot fair.  A friend recently retired only to learn he has Parkinsons. Snot fair.  Why did Butch and Sundance die in a hail of Bolivian lead? Snot fair.

Why do I have cancer? Snot fair.

There are only questions, no answers, this side of heaven anyway.

My fourth chemo treatment went well, less side effects than 2 and 3.  Just small mouth sores, cold sensitivity and the tub looks like someone shaved a gorilla.  Round number 5 is scheduled for Thursday.


3 thoughts on “Snot Fair!”

  1. Mark, to the “snot fair” I might also add that sometimes “sh_t happens.” And there is little or nothing we can do about it. I know that’s not comforting . . . it is simply the truth. Just know that Sue and I are here to support you and Judy in whatever way we can.

  2. Mark you are correct .. snot fair.. just remember with all that snot you have a lot of folks praying for you.. keep up your great outlook.. God bless!!:)

  3. When I read Snot Fair I envisioned a celebration with banners and an arcade dedicated to the sticky mucus!
    Snot Fair come one come all!

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