30 Days

One month has elapsed since I was told I have esophageal cancer. Frankly, I’d never heard of it, so was quite surprised to learn April is Esophageal Cancer Awareness month.  See http://www.ecaware.org/ to learn more.

As you can imagine, it’s been a roller coaster of emotions and experiences these weeks.  We’ve gotten beyond the initial “Oh God, is he going to die in a few weeks?” to accepting the challenge of dealing with one day at a time.  Most overwhelming is the love and support from every quarter.  Many decades removed from worrying about what others think of me,  I really didn’t realize so many people care about me.

Judy’s twin Janet, acting as the family emissary from up north, presented me a beautiful quilt yesterday.  I know how much labor and love goes into a quilt.  With contributions from all four sister-in-laws and mother-in-law Mavis, they made mine in record time.  It’s a happy yellow and has made for a couple of great naps already.


Right now my thoughts and prayers are occupied with Gary Knipling, our son-in-law Keith’s dad who lives in Virginia.  Gary suffered a serious stroke this past week.  It’s still early, and he seems to be doing well but it will be a challenge to fully recover.

Another reminder of the tenuous hold we have on life and health.  Gary has been an utltra-marathoner since before it was a thing, an amazingly athletic guy.  I’ve been healthy and fairly active too.   One day we were fine, the next,  life is turned upside down.

Live every day and take nothing for granted my friends.


Mark and Gary, building Keith’s shed back in the summer of 2009

2 thoughts on “30 Days”

  1. Thx for the update and info on EC. I focused on this part of the first sentence.

    ……..but it can be beaten.

    keep praying for healing.


  2. Mark, 30 days for number 27! I’m praying for a miracle and 30 years! Your outlook is amazing! With God on your side, you’ve got this beat. Love you, brother! Gary

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