Back in the Saddle

Cue up Wille, I’m back in the saddle again …
My first off chemo week, I’m feeling really good, the day is glorious, and my bike was begging me to ride to work today.  No great accomplishment, it’s only a six mile round trip, but it felt great to do something “normal”. The only chemo side effect I’ve experienced so far is a form of peripheral neuropathy where my fingers tingle when I touch something cold.  Even with warm gloves, it felt like a mild electrical shock when gripping the bars.  I’m going to call it digit buzz.

My weight is in a realm not seen since we were first married and thus my riding kit fits quite comfortably.  However, any dream of being a professional cyclist is now dashed; I’m sure my life enhancing pharmacological cocktail wouldn’t pass the drug screening.  I pray my cancer fight will be as successful as Lance Armstrong’s, but I promise not to become an a**hole no matter what.

IMG_0171 IMG_1940

10 thoughts on “Back in the Saddle”

  1. LOOKIN’ GOOD THERE, MARK~~!!! Great to read your positive and cheerful post.

  2. From the day I met you, I knew you were a good man. Not only because of your faith, but because you are a kind and caring man. My prayers are with you. I will not insult with ways to beat cancer, but I want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Glad that you made it clear that it was your bike that you were now again riding. You scared me…I thought you were taking up bronc riding.
    You look great…keep on pedaling!

  4. Hi Mark- so glad you are enjoying your bike. Hope you will be able to continue this through your treatments this spring!!

  5. Love your post! Yes, to the same outcome as Lance Armstrong’s battle with cancer, but so glad you have no plans on emulating his style. Keep riding!

  6. When he came into the office that day I saw him snapping that photo. Talked with him about how he felt great.

    Me: “So you know can come up and help me split those two maples I dropped last week.

    Mark: “I think I feel the cancer coming on…”

    Funniest thing I think I’d heard in a year.

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