He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!

No matter what happens to me, I claim the promise of life after death though Jesus Christ, my Lord.  Some of you reading this share that faith, some question it and some deny it.  Fact is, none of us can prove our position.  Doubtful you came here today to read a sermon, but I’m not ashamed of the gospel.

Some day I’ll attempt to explain the basis of my faith. But today, we celebrate the completion of my 1st round of chemo with minimal side effects, seeing friends at church, some Oregon spring sunshine and enjoying time with our dear Peder and Lucy.

Happy Easter!

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3 thoughts on “He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!”

  1. He has risen indeed! Enjoy your Easter with your church family and with those who have you in their hearts and prayers. Love you guys.

  2. Amen to not being ashamed to who we are and our relationship with Christ!!Wonderful you are doing well with your treatment. A blessing in itself. God be with you and your family.:)

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