Everything is Awesome !!!

Wake up Grandpa!  Our awesome son-in-law Scott pulled an all nighter, making a spur of the moment road trip to drive Katie and grandkids Simon and Cecily the 643 miles from San Leandro last night arriving 5:30 Am.

I’m reminded of two road trips of our own to Montana to say goodbye to my grandpa Myrvold and uncle Bud whose cancer battles did not end the way I wanted.  I’m praying Katie and family weren’t feeling that sense of finality on this trip. Had only my second good cry since this battle started thinking about this.  Kenny Chesney sings “Everybody wants to go to heaven, nobody wants to go now”.  That’s my story now too.

Katie went to my infusion pump disconnect appointment and we had time for a great conversation.  Made a detour to drive her past the former Bess Kaiser Hospital where she was born, now Adidas US headquarters.   Was fun to pull thru the same driveway in my ’12 Camaro as where we brought her home in the ’76 Camaro almost 34 years ago.

We watched the Lego movie today so I have that theme song ear worm stuck in my head, but an altogether good description of our day.

Everything IS awesome.


3 thoughts on “Everything is Awesome !!!”

  1. It was wonderful to see Katie and the children at church on Sunday. I understand why a trip felt necessary, she wanted to see her daddy. I remember the days when Emily wanted to sit in my lap and it was not to be as I was at my lowest point with chemo. Matthew would just stand by my bedroom door and wave at me. Our children are precious. You have 3 wonderful, loving children and in-laws and grandchildren. You are blessed.
    Holding you and all the family in my heart, prayers and thoughts.

  2. Can you imagine the road trip if it had been made during most of the waking hours…”Daddy are we there yet?” …”Daddy are we there yet?”. I bet they were all so excited to finally arrive. I know their visit was sweet.
    Love you all…

  3. This photo reminds me of the opening of The Simpsons TV show. In our household I often hear, “there’s a Simpsons episode for every situation!” I love this family sitting on our couch!

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