The Man from T.H.R.U.S.H.

As a kid growing up during the Cold War, I was enamored with the TV show The Man From U.N.C.L.E.   My grade school chums and I followed the weekly exploits of Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin intently, even to the point of having a club named O.L.E. (“Organization for the Liberation of Eastmont”, our lily white, upscale subdivision).  Curiously, David McCallum who played Kuryakin FIFTY !!! years ago, is now medical examiner Ducky on Judy’s favorite show, NCIS.  But I digress …

On the show, the U.N.C.L.E. nemesis was called T.H.R.U.S.H, which is currently my nemesis too.  Thrush is a fungal infection of the mouth and throat, fairly common in kids and old guys with immune systems compromised by chemo.  I’ve got a really good case of it.  It makes for painful swallowing so it’s difficult to eat.  My tongue is coated with white goo and feels like it’s been belt sanded.  I have a couple of meds that are helping, Nystatin to battle the fungus and “Mary’s Magic Mouthwash”, a Lidocaine rinse that numbs the mouth and throat.  Ugly details here.

This morning I found a bunch of brown hair in the tub strainer; we all know where this is headed.  Probably won’t be long and I’ll be rocking that stereotypical, shaved head, evil genius style like one of those T.H.R.U.S.H. guys.  At least I know who will cut off my hair when it’s time.

Overall, I’m feeling well.  Still going to work, out and about as I wish and living my life.  Given the plethora of possible side effects, mine are fairly manageable.  I expected they might accumulate over time, and they have, but consider it all a minor inconvenience in my battle to kill this cancer.


4 thoughts on “The Man from T.H.R.U.S.H.”

  1. Illya Kuryakin was the coolest kat ever, Man! I remember wearing Man from UNCLE shoulder harness to Christmas eve service at Prince of Peace (Dad didn’t think I should take the gun into church, bad juju). Thanks for the memories, hope you continue to tolerate your treatments.

  2. Sounds like you are doing as well as you can and that’s a good thing.. Thrush is no fun and I remember some of my patients and family members work with that battle. Your gargle may not take all the problems away but I know it helps.. :). Just remember you are still in the thoughts and prayers of many and will continue to be . Just know God is always there and especially you and your loved ones.

  3. We have just returned from a little trip to Yosemite and catching up on your blog. Sounds like you may be sportin’ a “Half Dome” for a few days or maybe you are already to a full ‘chrome dome’ by now. Not happy you are having the side effects and continue to keep you and the ‘wife’ in prayers.

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