Food Fight!

Seems I’ve found a pretty effective weight loss program but I can’t recommend it for you.  Doc is concerned with my downward trend and wants me to eat more. Haven’t gotten that advice from a doctor, like ever. Keith suggested an app called Lose It! which I’m now using to track my diet.  It lets you scan the bar code on food packaging to enter items and pulls from an extensive database.  I doubt the developers use case testing saw many who wanted to gain weight. I’ve used the WeightWatchers app before and tracking meals with Lose It! is an order of magnitude simpler.

Tracy and Judy steer me toward brussels sprouts and salads but I just can’t eat enough of that to get the necessary calories.   I tend to crave jelly donuts,  Hostess cherry pies and ice cream though the cold bothers me.  S0 I’m drinking protein shakes and eating pretty much anything I want. Thankfully, things still taste good, I’m not having the loss of appetite issues many patients experience.

Given my liver and kidneys are working overtime, I don’t drink at all now. Come to think of it, that might explain the bulk of the my weight loss right there.  Made our visit to Bend over the weekend a bit frustrating given the plethora of well renowned brew pubs we left untapped.

Post chemo round 3, feeling about the same as previously.  I experience some shakiness the day after and more of the cold sensitivity.  Outside in the wind at Smith Rock my face turned bright red and felt like a billion little needles were poking me but it goes away quickly when I warm up.

Blatantly stole this meme from someone’s Facebook post.  Takes me back; I’ve been to my share of potlucks.



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