Single Port Injection

The L99 small-block in my Camaro (aka: Grandpa’s black Chevy) employs sophisticated multi-port  fuel injection to deliver 400 HP when I want it and 23 MPG when I can restrain myself.  My trusty, rusty, old ’89 Astro is equipped with earlier technology throttle body injection, essentially a computer controlled carburetor. Both get the job done.  A few hours ago I had my “PowerPort” (yes, that’s the actual product name) installed, so I’m single port injected now too.  Given a choice, I always seem to return to a machine analogy 😉

We are grateful for the physical and moral support of friends Marsha and Ed, with us at the hospital and the hundreds of you praying, texting and reading along.  Marsha was our chauffeur out to Kaiser Sunnyside for my first real surgery.  Prior, all the cutting and repairs done on me in 61 years were for some self inflicted trauma.

The surgeon said the actual install procedure went perfectly and took just 21 minutes.  The bigger bandage in my portrait is the port, the smaller one is where the catheter was inserted into my jugular.  The port is about the size of a quarter; it lives under the skin when healed and gives us a place to plug in the chemo needle for infusions without traumatizing my veins with an IV or similar. Given travel time, surgical prep and recovery, it was a six hour day.  Just woke from a magnificent nap and so far, no pain, not even discomfort.

I’m almost ready to engage this dragon, cancer; my power port gets started up Thursday with first chemo.  There’s no coincidence it’s shaped like a little heart.   I love you all.

port PowerPort_isp_diagonalview

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