Ripple Effect

Saw the urologist yesterday, he’s a bit concerned about swelling of my right kidney.  Thinking it’s being irritated by swollen lymph nodes, the best option right now seems to be to wait and see how I respond to chemo.

Looking toward an upcoming week of procedures, I need spiffing up, so went for a haircut.  I’ve followed a number of barbers around lately; can’t seem to replicate the decade long relationships I’d once enjoyed.  I found “my” barber has moved to a different shop, so sat down in the first chair offered,  acceding to let some stranger have her way with my hair.  During the usual barber / customer small talk, she asked if I had any big plans for my summer.  What do I say? I don’t feel everyone I encounter needs to hear my story.  She asked a seemingly simple question.  After a long pause, I mumbled being unsure how to respond, eventually sharing I was starting chemo soon and didn’t know with any certainty what my summer held.

And then she changed my day.  Pointing at a family photo in her gear box, she said it was the Make-A-Wish trip they had enjoyed when her son was battling cancer.  Diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at 23 months (some blastoma type, the details didn’t stick with me), he is now 7 and doing great.  We talked about treatments and Kaiser and Doernbecher and life.  All I could imagine was the hell she’d experienced as Mom dealing with her little guy’s battle. She told me that in the end, it had been good for them, they were a stronger family for it.

And at the end of my haircut (excellent job too)  I was a little stronger for hearing her story.  Thanks Valerie, I was supposed to meet you today.

5 thoughts on “Ripple Effect”

  1. Hi Mark,

    I just heard about your cancer yesterday from Jack Leflar who was kind enough to send me the link to your blog.

    I am sorry to hear this bad news but am greatly encouraged by Romans 8:28
    ” And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

    I know you love the Lord and that He loves you. I am sure He will bring something awesome and wonderful from this, and I pray you will see it, know it, and be able to praise Him for it.

    My own experience confirms the promise in Romans. Jennifer came home from NY to help take care of me. She discovered she had a gift for nursing and is now enrolled in nursing school in Syracuse,
    and totally loving it.

    You and Judy are in my prayers.


    John Stoops

  2. Nice to read about that encouragement from your barber.

    Keep praying for that healing,

  3. Thanks for sharing this story, Mark. Isn’t it amazing how angels show up when and where we least expect them? The bonus in this case was that you got a good hair-cut too.

    Thinking of, and praying for you today…


  4. Thank you for sharing your story, your way, Mark. It is a blessing to us all.

    I love what Steve wrote about it being amazing how angels show up when we least expect them. And Pastor Jim helping you realize your situation can be a blessing in your interaction with family and friends. Both so very true!

    Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of my father’s passing from cancer. Each year I think about the journey he took, how he made sure to include my mother, brother and I in it and looking back, what a gift it was that he shared that with us. I especially remember the day the word cancer became part of our family vocabulary. It was the day after Christmas and my father said “let’s make a memory”. He asked us all to share our favorite poem. I tearfully said I couldn’t share mine because it was my father’s favorite and I knew I wouldn’t get through it. He smiled and said he wouldn’t get through it either but we both knew it was something very special that would always keep our hearts joined together. I so treasure that memory!

    I know you and your family are ‘making memories’ and sharing love in ways you may not even realize. They are incredibly important moments for all of you.

    I join others in daily prayers for you knowing God is by your side 24/7 and hears all the prayers being lifted for Sparkplug and family.

    Your faith and positive outlook are inspiring to us all, Mark, and as another post mentioned, 90% of the battle. May the love and support of your incredible family and friends continually lift you up on your journey.

    Again, thank you for sharing it with us and helping us in our prayers for you! It is the power of the cross that binds us all.

    Blessings, healing & lovies,

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