Little Pharma

Barely out of the blocks on this marathon and I’ve had to make a spreadsheet to manage my meds.  Some are taken with food, some at specific time intervals, others before bed.  One prescription is for pain, the rest to deal with unpleasant side effects of the first.  As Grandpa used to say (though probably in a different context), “I’m stove up”, so need pharmaceuticals to get my wonky G.I. system processing regularly.   One of them is green and tastes like suspiciously like alfalfa; as close to a green beer as I’ll get on this St. Patrick’s Day.  And then there is the water.  A friend generously shared an ionized water machine with me.  Depending on what Internet site you read, ionized water is either a cancer curing miracle or modern day snake oil.  My doc says I need to stay hydrated and that it won’t hurt me, so I’m drinking it up. Soaking in our hot tub brings me more relief than any of the meds but I can’t stay in there 24 x 7.  The REAL life-saving water is in the brown ceramic bowl.  At Christmas, we were shopping in a Portland gallery for a beer growler for Peder.  Judy spotted this little bowl and asked me to buy it for a font, providing a daily reminder of our baptism.  And so it does.


4 thoughts on “Little Pharma”

  1. Mark-A new bedtime ritual with my wife has emerged; reading “Save Sparkplug” and starting our nightly prayers with the Sparkplug!

  2. Mark, I just heard, GNC Ministries has you lifted in prayer. I love this blog and your positive outlook which is 90% of the battle. Your faith walk is inspiring, which lets us know that God has you comforted. Your nick name suits you, “Sparkplug” your words on this site ignites God’s love, provision and healing. If there is anything we can do, please let us know.

  3. Thank you for sharing this journey with us! Inspiring us to examine our life’s in context. Hoping that you find some peace in sharing your story. Carry on my man!

  4. You are high up on my nag list Mark…I struggle at this time of my life with the perplexity of turning things over to God, “Thy will be done”…and yet I cannot ease off on the ongoing prayers to get answers I want, hence the nag list tag——I think God at times says “I heard you the first time”….but I keep on and on and on. Enough get answered in my way that i have to keep believing.

    Today it’s 3 years since our Peggy left us—such a void in all our lives. I imagine her floating around up there somewhere happily enjoying her darling grandchildren down here, laughing at their antics and their parents efforts to do a good job, which they are, thankfully!!

    Blessings, our dear friends…both of you!!

    Gene and Dave…the old fogies!!

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