Wrapped in Love

Today I received this prayer shawl, knit by ladies of the St. Matthew Prayer Shawl Guild and delivered with an extra dose of love and prayer from Nita & Ron.  I expect it to keep me warm during chemo treatments when we get to that point.  The mail brought my first cards and neighbors Sue & George provided delicious home-made stew for dinner.  Had a good call with Pastor Jim and he helped me realize my situation can be a blessing in my interaction with family and friends.


And the Holy Spirit helps us in our distress.  For we don’t even know what we should pray for, nor how we should pray.  But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groaning that cannot be expressed in words.  — Romans 8:26

3 thoughts on “Wrapped in Love”

  1. I am so sorry that you are having to face this, Mark. You will be in my thoughts and prayers daily. I don’t need to tell you to keep the faith because I know you will. I fought down the “Big C” almost two years ago and my partner Doug, has beat it 3 times in the last 12 years. Advances in treatments are being made everyday. Stay positive and keep asking questions about what’s available, even clinical trials. Most of all, don’t hesitate to seek other opinions. Is Kaiser hooked into OHSU in anyway? I ask, as I have tremendous faith in OHSU research and care. Love and light sent your way. Debbie Moberly

  2. Fight like heck, Sparkplug and we will pray without ceasing. Your story is going to be hard to read, a blessing to all of us and written with compassion and truth. Thank you for doing this for all of us. In some small way, I hope it helps you and Judy as well. Although my heart is breaking for you, to read your back story and see your description as “a child of God”, well we know you are in good hands. Love to all of you.

  3. Mark,
    Thanks for your courage to share your journey. I grew up with your wife in Chattaroy and saw the girls post your blog info on Facebook.
    I am honored and inspired that you would share your path and faith as you face this challenge. It is a blessing to me to watch someone walk through cancer carried by God’s love. I have often wondered how I would respond if it were me.
    I haven’t faced your challenge but I have lost a child and I never thought I would survive that. God had very different plans though. Not only did he carry me through but I am a much better person today from the journey. I will pray for you and your family and know you are so surrounded in love. You are so courageous …God bless you.
    Melodee loshbaugh

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